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4类型的混凝土地板涂料(和你的年代hould Know About Each)

ByKrystal Nanan
Published: September 23, 2019 | Last updated: March 31, 2022 06:22:01
Key Takeaways

Several factors, such as anticipated traffic, environmental conditions, and durability requirements must be taken into consideration to determine the best floor coating for the given application.

There is no shortage of options when it comes toconcrete floorcoatings. These materials are generally used to protect underlying concrete floors from wear as well as prevent the corrosion of steelreinforcement. (To learn more about the specifics corrosion in reinforced concrete, seeCorrosion Resistance in Reinforced Concrete Structures.) In many cases, floor coatings can also be used to:

  • Decorate floors by brightening or defining certain areas of the facility
  • Mark traffic isles
  • Route traffic
  • Cover stained concrete

In this article we will look at some of the most commonly specified concrete floorprotective coatingsand give an overview of some of their advantages, disadvantages and typical applications.

Epoxy Floor Coatings

Epoxy floor coatingsystems are made up of two distinct elements: anepoxy resinand apolyaminehardener. These two components are mixed prior to application. When the resin and the hardener are combined, they engage in a chemical reaction that creates cross-linking of the elements as itcures. The result of the chemical reaction is a hardened, rigid plastic coating material that bonds well to mostbase layers.


Epoxy floor coatings are known for theirhardness, durability and impact resistance. These characteristics make epoxy coatings ideal for heavy-duty applications such as industrial facilities, warehouses, logistic centers and other areas that may be subjected to heavy forklift traffic. Epoxy is also known for its resistance to chemical products, such as bleach, oils, greases, cleaners, etc. Thischemical resistancemakes thema popular choice in garages in the automotive industry.

Figure 1. Epoxy Coatings Market, Revenue (%), by End-User Industry, Global, 2018.

Figure 1. Epoxy coatings market, revenue (%), by end-user industry, global, 2018.

One of the main disadvantages of epoxy floor coatings is its difficult application process.Surface preparation, in particular, can be tedious. Epoxy flooring cannot be applied to contaminated, damaged or unprepared surfaces. To ensure coating longevity, the floor must be free of any grease, oils orsolvents. Damaged surfaces must also be repaired, and the concrete may need to be ground to open up its pores andprofilethe surface. (Learn more about this procedure in6 Ways to Measure Surface Profiles for Concrete Surface Preparation.) Additionally, this material takes approximately seven days to cure; therefore, epoxy floors have a significantly slower turnover time than other coatings.


Polyurethane Floor Coatings

Polyurethanesarepolymersthat are connected to a chemical compound group known as carbamates. Polyurethane is athermosettingpolymer by nature; i.e., it does not melt when heated. To the untrained eye, polyurethane coatings may appear to be visually similar to epoxy coated floors. However, they possess distinct characteristics that make them ideal for specific applications.

Unlike epoxy coatings, which are highly stiff and impact-resistant, polyurethane floor coatings are relatively softer and moreelastic. This attribute makes polyurethane floor coatings better suited for areas with moderate to heavy pedestrian traffic. The increased elasticity also makes polyurethane-coated floors more resistant to abrasion, since impact loads are easily absorbed and less prone to cause scratches. The elasticity and flexibility of polyurethane also contribute to their ability to operate in environments with low freezing temperatures.

The desirable characteristics of polyurethane floor coatings make them ideal for several applications, including car parks, freezing chambers and busy commercial facilities, such as shopping malls, airports and hospitals.

One of the other significant advantages of polyurethane floor coatings is their curing time. Floors coated with this material can be ready for operation the next day. In contrast, epoxy coatings need at least seven days to cure before they can be ready for use.

而聚氨酯具有许多有益的properties, they do have a few shortcomings. Firstly, polyurethane floors are highly sensitive to moisture. When moisture attacks the floor, bubbles can form on the surface, causing unsightly blemishes on the surface. Polyurethane floor coatings are, therefore, not recommended for use in areas with high levels of humidity. Their limitedpot lifeand moisture sensitivity also make them challenging to work with. As such, the proper handling and application of polyurethane coatings usually require well-trained and knowledgeable staff.

Polyaspartic Floor Coatings

Polyasparticis a subset ofpolyurea. (More information about polyurea coatings can be found in the articleThe History and Industry Adoption of Polyurea Coating Systems.) Like polyurea floor coatings, polyaspartic is atwo-part system, i.e., the resin needs to be combined with acatalystto facilitate the curing and hardening process. While early variations of polyaspartic floor coatings possessed several shortcomings, innovations in coating technology have made these floor coatings a versatile alternative to epoxy and polyurethane coating systems.

One of the primary benefits of polyaspartic is its ability to be used as a complete flooring system as well as atopcoat. In other words, polyaspartic floor coatings can achieve in a single coat what traditional epoxy and polyurethane would normally take two coats to accomplish. As a result, polyaspartics can significantly reduce application times, labor and material costs.

Another benefit of polyaspartic floor coatings is its ability to be customized. Polyaspartic esters can be manipulated to control drying times and pot life. This characteristic lessens lag time and allows assets to be put back into service faster. Some coatingformulationscan dry in a matter of hours, with a next-day return to service.

Because polyaspartic floor coatings meet or exceed some of the properties of their polyurethane counterparts, they can be used in many of the same applications. These primarily include areas with medium to heavy foot traffic, such as airports, malls, shopping centers, hospitals, etc.

Similar to epoxies, polyaspartic floor coatings require careful attention to surface preparation. Improperly prepared surfaces can result in various types ofcoating failure. Also, while polyaspartic coatings with 100% solids have lowvolatile organic compound (VOC)emission rates, most polyaspartics aresolvent-based. These solvent-based coatings can be dangerous to inhale; therefore, skilled labor and appropriate respiratory equipment are required during application.

Acrylic Floor Coatings

Mostacrylicfloor coatings are made with more than onemonomer, such as ethyl acrylate,methyl methacrylateor butyl acrylate. These components are often processed in a solvent, usually water. These floor coatings offer a middle ground in terms of cost and performance.

Acrylic floor coatings are not as durable as their epoxy or polyurethane counterparts. As such, they may need to be buffed or recoated more frequently than other coatings. Therefore,while the initial cost of acrylic floor coatings may be relatively inexpensive, long-term maintenance costs tend to be higherthan those for other coatings.

Due to these shortcomings, acrylic floor coatings are best suited for decorative concrete, surfaces with minimal foot traffic, and areas with minimal risk ofabrasionsor chemical spills. Specific acrylic formulations, however, can offer superior performance characteristics, such as enhancedUV protection, slip resistance and water resistance.

While acrylic lacks the durability of other floor coatings, they possess relatively fast curing times, drying as fast as an hour after application. This reduces the overall labor requirements and turnaround times. Additionally, the surface of the coating can be easily buffed in the event the coating becomes damaged during operation.


Concrete floor coatings offer unique properties and benefits that lend themselves to various applications. Several factors, such as anticipated traffic, environmental conditions and durability requirements, must be carefully taken into consideration to determine which concrete floor coating product is most appropriate a specific project.


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Written byKrystal Nanan| Civil Engineer

Profile Picture of Krystal Nanan
Krystal is a civil engineer and project manager with an MSc in Construction Engineering and Management. Her experience includes the project management of major infrastructure projects, construction supervision, and the design of various infrastructure elements including roadway, pavement, traffic safety elements and drainage. Krystal is also a published author with the Transportation Research Board in Washington, D.C.

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